Seriously? You have GOT to be kidding me!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Bdays and more bdays

Happy Belated 4th of July. I had a good 4th. Spent the early part of the day at the park for annual 4th celebration. The once the heat became unbearable we headed over to my grandparents to swim w/ my cousins and 2 aunts. After everyone left I passed out and slept thru the fireworks, boo. Oh well.

Tuesday was Krystal, aka my BFF's, 26th bday. We didn't do anything on the 3rd but we spent the 4th together and then Sunday was her bday party. We normally combine our parties but didn't this year. Which at first I was kinda bummed about but meh oh well. I guess it works out better.

Friday at work a coworker got an email from a friend looking to rent out his garage apt. She knew I've been looking so before she even asked me, she replied to the email saying she knew someone. And w/i like 10 mins I was on the phone w/ the guy. Hes a cop and his wife is a waitress and they turned their garage into an apt for their son and his wife but then they decided they didn't want him there bc they fight too much. Sooo...his loss my gain. I went by after work and OMG its so nice on the inside. And it is only $500 including all bills (cable and internet too!!). I move in on the 31st.

My 30th bday party is Sunday. 30! Holy Cow! This year went by so fast. Well...lets see...I guess over all it was a good year. Interesting for sure, lol but I'm happy. And I am loved.
Back to the move I have nothing...NOTHING!! for my kitchen. I redid my budget and it looks like I'll be able to go but stuff!! Yay!! And get my laptop back HELL YESS. So I am proud of myself regarding my's where I'm at:

7/11 - Title $300 Cell $160 Ins $90 = $550- from my check = $550 laptop $140($120?) $430 left over for the trip, $ for the 2 weeks of gas/groceries and shopping for my new place

7/25 - Title LAST PAYMENT!!!! <$300 Cell $160 Ins $120 = $580- from check = $420 left over for a moving truck and 2 weeks gas/groceries and misc shopping for the new place

August is gonna be tight but I'll update that later. Hopefully can save some money from the left overs to get me by comfortably in August.

Seriously. I am so happy right now.


  1. Rhi! Happy Birthday! 30's are way better than the 20's so be happy!!

    Where's your laptop??


  2. Congrats on your New Place!!!
