I have been dreading this post for days. But its about time I get this stuff out before it eats at me.
I'll start off with Tuesday evening and how my sleep study went. This one was to sleep w/ a machine and for them to come up w/ my
prescription (bipap/cpap and pressure levels). They started me w/ a
nasal mask and about 1/2 thru the night switched me to a full face mask.
My nose/nostrils are too small and there were issues. Once they made
that switch and to a bipap, I slept great (88 mins w/ only 3 disturbances and I
was in REM). Next step is to wait for them to read the results, send my
Rx to my insurance for approval and then med sup for my machine. Dr M said that would be about 2 weeks.
Originally my follow up was for a month later, but on 8/29 on my way
to work I fell asleep driving. Yeah. Super scary.
Luckily it was like I just pulled over on
the side of the road. I was woken up by another driver tapping on my
window. I called my drs office later that day and was told to come right in. He
got my results, which is where I got the numbers from up there, and put a
STAT order on a machine. He wanted me to have a machine by that night.
He assures me this is possible, relays the messages to his RN's and also
takes me out of work. He tell the RN to give me the # to the specific
RN handling my order. I can tell she is annoyed and I even have to
remind her that my next follow up is in 2 weeks not 4. I am told to go
home and call, they should be done by then.
I get home call, and am told my insurance is holding it up. I work
for the same clinic the drs and RNs do and we all have the same
insurance which is the clinics own insurance. So I know if the RN
advised it was a STAT then this wouldn't be an issue. Whatever. I call
back several times Friday and finally at 15 mins till 5pm am told to call
the med supply company. Of course when I do they have no record of me. I
explain the STAT and she says if it was marked STAT it would take 30
mins for it to be filled. She suggest I call my drs office again.
At this point I just start crying. I am so tired and to be so close to having my machine...I just cant. I hang up and my phone rings. It my drs office. They JUST faxed over my order. I asked if it was marked as STAT like Dr M said. She acted like she had not been aware but that now she was. And she tells me I will probably get a call Tuesday to set up an appt for my machine. This has gone all wrong. To be so close to finally feeling better and having to wait 5 more days is like a lifetime.
So now I sit and wait.
In the mean time I feel pretty shitty. I found out I managed to GAIN 13 lbs. No wonder it hurts so much to walk to and from the parking lot. But I called my mom and told her and basically asked for help. She is pretty much demanding that since I will be off for the next 2 weeks to join the YMCA and start going everyday while I'm off. I also talked to my old Sunday School teacher who is now a health guru of some sort, a nutritionist if I recall correctly. And she basically said...a big salad before dinner. Then a sweet potato, some brown rice or quinoa (sp?) and a small portion of lean meat IF NECESSARY. And lots and lots of fruits and veggies. Like all you can eat of those.
I am more then ready for this change. I know its gonna suck so much and I am not to sure how Jon is gonna feel, I am hoping as long as I can keep him full/not hungry he will be ok. Its drastic and we'll probably slip up...but speaking for just me I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. I hate feeling like this.
So, the next few weeks I may be a complete bitch and/or a whiny little brat but we'll see how this goes. Prayer would be nice. Thanks.
Seriously? You have GOT to be kidding me!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Keep Your Eyes on the Road
*If you didn't check for a Sunday post scroll below. I updated over the weekend.*
Here are the pics I was trying to load yesterday.
The first pic is of Ronnie, my brother, at our old building last week when I made him an awesome award. lol The one next to that is the right side of my desk. The 3rd is the left side. But I have actually rearranged the little shelves. The last photo is of how clean and purty the call center looks for now. I really love it here. Its so nice. There is also a Lubys in the caferteria. Its not open yet but should be soon. But I did eat my lunch in there yesterday. I approve. The breakroom is nice too. Crushed ice and cold filtered water. The coffee machine w/ cream and sugar thats not locked up. Wow. Then the standard coke and snack machine.
After dreading the walk yesterday today wasn't nearly as bad. So glad. I was being a whiney little B about how long of a walk everything was.
I am really struggling w/ my sleepyness. I almost turned around today on the way to work. I was falling asleep over and over. I couldn't stop myself. I was all over the road...this is not good. My next sleep study is Tuesday night. Hopefully I can get some good results and do well w/ the cpap. I desperately need it. All my co-workers are begging me not to drive...I dont know what to do...
Alright. I need to start wrapping it up. Happy Monday Y'all!!
Here are the pics I was trying to load yesterday.
After dreading the walk yesterday today wasn't nearly as bad. So glad. I was being a whiney little B about how long of a walk everything was.
I am really struggling w/ my sleepyness. I almost turned around today on the way to work. I was falling asleep over and over. I couldn't stop myself. I was all over the road...this is not good. My next sleep study is Tuesday night. Hopefully I can get some good results and do well w/ the cpap. I desperately need it. All my co-workers are begging me not to drive...I dont know what to do...
Alright. I need to start wrapping it up. Happy Monday Y'all!!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Sunday Funday? Nope
Why in the world am I up at 5:41am on a Sunday morning?
Because I work on Sundays now...
Seriously. Bunch of crap stup#$%%&^&**()^...
So the drive wasn't bad at all. And since buc-cees is right by my work, I was able to get gas before work. But the walk from my car to my seat...yeah not possible currently. Its a long walk. Its something for me to work on, tho. But for now, I am going to hate my life. It is so nice in the new building. I have pictures but one con is my cell doesn't work in here. Oh and its sweaty in here.
Man my numbness in my left hand is getting to be a pain in my behind. But yet, my left hand doesnt have carpal tunnel.
I cleaned up the house yesterday. It had really been needing it. Especially the bathrooms. Feels good to have a clean house. We had a guest. My aunt Anna, my dads sister was in Katy for a friends graduation party so she stopped by for awhile. That was nice.
Alright, thats all.
Because I work on Sundays now...
Seriously. Bunch of crap stup#$%%&^&**()^...
So the drive wasn't bad at all. And since buc-cees is right by my work, I was able to get gas before work. But the walk from my car to my seat...yeah not possible currently. Its a long walk. Its something for me to work on, tho. But for now, I am going to hate my life. It is so nice in the new building. I have pictures but one con is my cell doesn't work in here. Oh and its sweaty in here.
Man my numbness in my left hand is getting to be a pain in my behind. But yet, my left hand doesnt have carpal tunnel.
I cleaned up the house yesterday. It had really been needing it. Especially the bathrooms. Feels good to have a clean house. We had a guest. My aunt Anna, my dads sister was in Katy for a friends graduation party so she stopped by for awhile. That was nice.
Alright, thats all.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hi!
Sorry I skipped a day. We've been having interesting convo's in the morning and its hard to turn away from that.
Today is the last day in this building. The new building it completed and we are moving today. Well, the movers come and take everything thats going. The cubicles, chairs, comps and phones are staying, since its a brand new building we are getting brand new everything. I am excited to check it all out.
This is also my last week of class. I have finished all assignments except the final project. And last night I watched the last iconnect to see about how to do it/what the expectations are. I am so glad I watched it bc its coming out to be easier then I thought. My next course is Basic Algebra. Wahoo. I love math. I know college is a little diff but I am still excited.
Alrighty. Its Friday.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo I got my hair-did.
Few inches off and layered thru-out.
Today is the last day in this building. The new building it completed and we are moving today. Well, the movers come and take everything thats going. The cubicles, chairs, comps and phones are staying, since its a brand new building we are getting brand new everything. I am excited to check it all out.
This is also my last week of class. I have finished all assignments except the final project. And last night I watched the last iconnect to see about how to do it/what the expectations are. I am so glad I watched it bc its coming out to be easier then I thought. My next course is Basic Algebra. Wahoo. I love math. I know college is a little diff but I am still excited.
Alrighty. Its Friday.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo I got my hair-did.
Few inches off and layered thru-out.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
I think there is sulfate/sulfer in my shampoo, conditioner or soap. I am itchy. And my scalp is flakey and has patches of grossness. And my face is itchy too.
I am grumpy. I had a bad night last night too, but I dont wanna miss 2 days in one pay period. Sucks.
I wish I could get this damn sleep study over with and get my machine.
I am not in the mood for blogging right now.
I am grumpy. I had a bad night last night too, but I dont wanna miss 2 days in one pay period. Sucks.
I wish I could get this damn sleep study over with and get my machine.
I am not in the mood for blogging right now.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Post in Pictures
The temps on Saturday.
Trying to get one decent pic w/ this guy is very time consuming...and funny.
Our view in front and to the sides from the patio. And sweet Chance-Lou enjoying the breeze.
Chance can has cheezburgers too? Dinner and The Texans. This is camping. lol
S'mores for us and s'mores for the pup.
The moon was so bright.
Our souvenir. The Ducky Sheriff.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Trip to KOA
Jon made me go to bed early last night. Since I had a little bit of a break down 2 nights ago he wants me to be already in bed by 8. Not neccesarily asleep, but in bed, winding down. I was almost in bed by 8. He wants me to do this until I get everything taken care of for my CPAP.
So annoying, I ordered a frap w/ 2 expresso shots and they didnt do it! I can't be tired today. I have so much to do. After working over time I have to go to the store and get stuff for our weekend trip and then go home, do laundry and pack.
I'm excited about our little get away. It was a surprise for Jon. It is the last weekend I'll have off, since my stupid schedule is changing. I'll be off Saturdays and Wednesdays. I can't remember if I talked about this here or not. Well, it sucks but thats not the point. So we are going out of town to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. Going to camp at KOA in Lake Conroe. It should be a nice little getaway.
Ok seriously, its too busy.
Gotta go!
So annoying, I ordered a frap w/ 2 expresso shots and they didnt do it! I can't be tired today. I have so much to do. After working over time I have to go to the store and get stuff for our weekend trip and then go home, do laundry and pack.
I'm excited about our little get away. It was a surprise for Jon. It is the last weekend I'll have off, since my stupid schedule is changing. I'll be off Saturdays and Wednesdays. I can't remember if I talked about this here or not. Well, it sucks but thats not the point. So we are going out of town to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. Going to camp at KOA in Lake Conroe. It should be a nice little getaway.
Ok seriously, its too busy.
Gotta go!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
So, I am feeling pretty emotional lately. Its really hard to be so sleep deprived. Its starting to affect me more then I expected. I am so tired all the time. I dont feel like myself at all. I am trying to get FML approved and it might take a few weeks. In the mean time I could call in but I risk not getting it retroactive. Ugh...And then there is the possibility that my doctor suggests a complete leave.
Anyway, man it's busier then normal lately...gotta go.
Anyway, man it's busier then normal lately...gotta go.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Coffee!! Do your JOB!!
First day of overtime down, 3 more to go. I don't know what I was thinking. lol Nah it isnt that bad, but kinda conflicts w/ my typical daily schedule. It will be nice to have an extra day on my check. Wait, no, driving home at 4 is some crap. I do hate that. I have to remind myself there will be traffic and to just relax. No need to get all road rage-y.
OMG I just found out one of our team leads at work was car jacked!! He had a brand new car, just off the lot, still had dealer tags and everything. The guys bumped him and when he pulled over they pointed 3 guns at him. He was like take the car and everything. He is so lucky to be alive. That is crazy! But he was saying apparently this is something picking up in Houston again. I remember when I was younger hearing about this kinda thing. But it hasnt been talked about in some time.
Well...so much for that...its back to back calls now, where is everyone?!??
OMG I just found out one of our team leads at work was car jacked!! He had a brand new car, just off the lot, still had dealer tags and everything. The guys bumped him and when he pulled over they pointed 3 guns at him. He was like take the car and everything. He is so lucky to be alive. That is crazy! But he was saying apparently this is something picking up in Houston again. I remember when I was younger hearing about this kinda thing. But it hasnt been talked about in some time.
Well...so much for that...its back to back calls now, where is everyone?!??
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
You know what sucks, I might have to take the next mini-mester off. Bc of my sleepyness problem it has been extremely difficult to manage my time everyday. Unfortunately I fall asleep a lot and pretty much always do as soon as I get home from work. And its not like I nap for 45 mins or something, I sleep for hours, usually until round about when Jon gets home.
And now its busy...
And now its busy...
Monday, August 12, 2013
Weekend Report
OK so, what a good weekend I had. Friday I slept after I got off until Jon got home.
Saturday was the Stockpile sale, finally she came back to Katy. I went there and picked up a few things. Bought a fan for the house, breakfast and gas upped my car. After that I worked on my outline/project until I thought my brain had melted. Then, Jon and I went to dinner. And had some alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately Jon got a pretty bad headache after he dozed on the couch so he went to bed super early and I ended up staying up too late.
Sunday weprocrastinated lounged around until about 2 when we finally made it out of the house. We drove to my new work building to time my drive. Its a very nice building. I am so excited. Its all clean and sparkly. New desk, chairs, everything. And we are gonna have a Luby's. Sweet! There is a Taco Bell, Walgreens, Starbucks, CVS, and a Buc-cee's all right there, which is super convenient.
After that drive, we went to Payless and I got some choooooz! I needs some new chooz. I got a work pair, and 2 pairs of ballet flats, plus 10 pairs of funky socks. Then we went home and played Monopoly and had chinese. A very good Sunday. I sure am gonna mess these.
Welp, thats all I guess.
Happy Monday y'all!!
Saturday was the Stockpile sale, finally she came back to Katy. I went there and picked up a few things. Bought a fan for the house, breakfast and gas upped my car. After that I worked on my outline/project until I thought my brain had melted. Then, Jon and I went to dinner. And had some alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately Jon got a pretty bad headache after he dozed on the couch so he went to bed super early and I ended up staying up too late.
Sunday we
After that drive, we went to Payless and I got some choooooz! I needs some new chooz. I got a work pair, and 2 pairs of ballet flats, plus 10 pairs of funky socks. Then we went home and played Monopoly and had chinese. A very good Sunday. I sure am gonna mess these.
Welp, thats all I guess.
Happy Monday y'all!!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Short and Sweet
I was off yesterday for my drs appt from my sleep study. Basically yes I have sleep apnea and its really bad. But I don't have time to blog bc the calls are back to back.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
I's got muh corfee
The 3rd day is a charm. Man. I was suffering all day yesterday w/o my coffee.
Jon and I did our little exercises yesterday. He gets so competative tho. Since we play on the Wii, he plays against the comp and he gets like really really mad. Don't get me wrong, I get frustrated too, but not like him, lol.
I don't have much to talk about today. My tummy is angry. And I am dying to go to my dr's appt tomorrow. Its the follow up to my sleep study. I wanna know what we are gonna do.
Anyway...I'm done.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Two mornings in a row my routine has been messed up. I am so annoyed. Unlike my better half, I am not at all patient w/ these window people at fast food restaurants. Yesterday, fixing to turn into Starbucks, I realized there was no power. Fine, I dont go to the McD's by my work bc they suck, so off I go to the one down the freeway. After waiting for-freaking-ever to place my order, they tell me they are out of the one thing I came to get. O.O
Ok fine.
Today. Drive to Starbucks. I can see the store sign. Good. Get to the drive thru and there are 2 other cars. They arent taking orders. What in the actually crap is going on!? The doors are still locked. Fine. I go to the McD's by my work, HOPING that they can get it right. Place my order, they dont have any fraps. Which just like yesterday is what I am trying to replace from Starbucks. Cancel the order, drive to the other one. Place my order. All out of fraps.
Are you kidding me? #$%^&*()OMKJHV^#$%^^&&**(()PJND^*&(()
Fine. Order my meal w/ a tea instead. Get to work. My order is wrong. Why! Why?! Crap. Oh and my tea taste funny.
Anyway. Jon and I started our little exercises yesterday with the Wii. I actually got a little something out of it. And it isnt too intense. I like it. Our plan is to do this daily. I need to be in better shape when we move to the new building.
Alright, no coffee, I am annoyed.
Ok fine.
Today. Drive to Starbucks. I can see the store sign. Good. Get to the drive thru and there are 2 other cars. They arent taking orders. What in the actually crap is going on!? The doors are still locked. Fine. I go to the McD's by my work, HOPING that they can get it right. Place my order, they dont have any fraps. Which just like yesterday is what I am trying to replace from Starbucks. Cancel the order, drive to the other one. Place my order. All out of fraps.
Are you kidding me? #$%^&*()OMKJHV^#$%^^&&**(()PJND^*&(()
Fine. Order my meal w/ a tea instead. Get to work. My order is wrong. Why! Why?! Crap. Oh and my tea taste funny.
Anyway. Jon and I started our little exercises yesterday with the Wii. I actually got a little something out of it. And it isnt too intense. I like it. Our plan is to do this daily. I need to be in better shape when we move to the new building.
Alright, no coffee, I am annoyed.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Painting and Sleeping...its all I do.
Friday was Ladies Night and I had such a good time. We went to Painting with a Twist. It was my first time but I have seen it done before so I knew the concept. I can not wait to go back. Here are pics from the night.
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Momma and me |
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Me and the bestie before |
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L-R Aunt Margie, Gma, Me, Krystal and Melissa (cousins) |
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Perfectly Posed...and me..lol |
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Aunt Julia, Mel, Momma, Gma
Aunt Margie, Me and Krystal
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Came out so good |
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love it!! |
This stupid blogger is just not wanting to cooperate any more. Internet Explorer sucks and even more so when you are using a old version. I can't format the pics the way I want.
Saturday and Sunday were lazy days. Bc of my stupid sleeping problem I basically wasted my weekend. I only have a few left. Ugh so stupid.
So I have had to close 4 Dr's schedules and now it after 7. I need to get going. Happy Monday!
So I have had to close 4 Dr's schedules and now it after 7. I need to get going. Happy Monday!
Friday, August 2, 2013
I Suck
TGIF? Sure why not. Its Ladies Night again. So after work I go to Clear Lake instead of home. I also am supposed to have a derm appt to look at my finger. But the co-pay is $40 and my acct was frozen while they send me a new card. I haven't decided what I am going to do yet. What should I do Jon?
I am really slacking on the blogging side...
Have a good weekend!
I am really slacking on the blogging side...
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
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